A little more about me…
My name is Julia, and I’m a mother of three, wife, recovering-expat, author, publisher, ethical vegetarian, and spider-saver. I can be convinced to go practically anywhere there is wildlife to view or back alleys to explore.
Over a decade ago, almost six months to the day after our wedding, my husband and I were on a plane with two cats heading to our new life in Cairo, Egypt. I will admit there were a lot of tears on that flight; I’d given up my career, my home, my friends, my family, and all semblance of life as I knew it to follow this crazy, lovable man to what felt like the ends of the earth.
And in essence, they were the ends of the earth as I knew it. But it was fabulous and eye-opening and expansive in only a way an expat can experience. And it was the first of many leaps of faith I would be taking; frankly, I’m surprised I haven’t strained anything.
Since that fateful flight, we have lived in five countries (America, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, and Bahrain). We have had nine cats (and lost five of them to old age). We have visited at least nine other countries (I’m sure I’m forgetting some and they don’t count if we didn’t leave the airport). And most importantly, we have gained three children.
It’s been a bit busy.
But through it all, and when I have time and brain-power of late, I still love writing. I now just have to squeeze it in between tantrums, nose wipings, artwork admirations, and story time. But when I can make the squeeze, and when my brain cooperates, I love to write books and chat with my readers. So. stay tuned. I’ll be right back after I diffuse the battle of who-gets-the-green-cup-today.
If you're interested in receiving Julia's Media Kit, drop her an email at: Julia@juliainserro.com.